James Giossi
James Giossi

James Giossi
Hudson, WI

Podium Streak


James Giossi

Podium Streak

Two races, two different tracks this weekend for James and crew. Friday night James took on the Mississippi Thunder Speedway and Saturday it was back to Cedar Lake Speedway. The big takeaway this weekend was moving forward from mid pack.

Friday night team 11 headed south to Fountain City and Mississippi Thunder, a track Giossi has excelled at in the past. Going in to the heat race, James knew he'd have his work cut out for him as he would start dead last in 7th. As the Late Models rolled out, it was clear that the track was still being worked in and not very wide. This would prove challenging on a narrow surface to work to the front. The green flew and Giossi made some quick work of the first cars in front of him. As James worked the middle/bottom of the track he started to reel in 4th place. In the end, the track was just too fast to get around any more cars and the 11 would come home 5th.

The feature rolled out and James found his way to his 10th place starting spot for the 40 lap main event. At around the 15 lap mark, Giossi hit a rut and in doing so, his nose folded under. A few laps later, the red came out as Jake Timm would go for a wild ride down the front stretch. Thankfully, Timm walked away. Under red, James had the officials check out his nose piece and they gave him the green light even though it wasn't fully folded back out. The 11 was making nice moves on a few of the restarts where he would work his way past some good cars. As the checkered flag flew, James would come home in a solid podium finish, third.

Saturday it was back to the home track of Cedar Lake Speedway. During heat race action, Giossi would have better luck in the draw and started third. James showed just how good he is at Cedar Lake and was first to cross the line as the checker flew. Moving to the feature, once again the 11 would have a tough starting spot, of 8th. With strong competition in front of him, James would have to get up on the wheel. Dicing through the field, James worked all the way up to an impressive 2nd place run behind the red and black 11 of Pat Doar.

A quick 2 day break for Team Giossi and then they are headed north, to Gondik Law Speedway in Superior Wisconsin to run with the World of Outlaws. This is always a track to catch some good racing from James. After last years quick time run and a great feature finish, Giossi looks to capitalize on an even better run this year. Make plans to head north and support Nitro Nation on Tuesday night!

Submitted By: Gunner Cummings

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