I-96 Speedway
I-96 Speedway

I-96 Speedway
Lake Odessa, MI



I-96 Speedway

Coronavirus cancels April activities at I-96 Speedway

Lake Odessa, MI - Due to the uncertainty surrounding when the end of the “Stay Home, Stay Safe” order will come, along with when the ban on gatherings of more than 10 people, the management at I-96 Speedway has cancelled all activity for the month of April, to coincide with the federal government’s timeline and guidelines for protective measures for the coronavirus.

No rescheduled dates for the two shows that are cancelled have been considered at the current time, however we will try to work with what schedule we have remaining to augment the schedule, with potential announcements to come.

The new tentative opening date for I-96 Speedway is currently Friday, May 1st. While we realize this and many more dates may be in jeopardy, we are hopeful that restrictions will be lifted reasonably soon.

With that said, we are evaluating our options to make attending races post-executive order easier to attend while everyone is catching up from being laid off or with pay cuts. While we are not ready to say specifically what will happen, look for more announcements in the coming days regarding ticket discounts, and any possible dates to be rescheduled. If in the event those of you who paid ahead of time for any of our dates that end up cancelled, we will be issuing refunds as soon as we know what our governor decides as far as the current restrictions and orders go.

We wish you all the best, and urge everyone to strictly follow the CDC guidelines to maintain your health and safety, and we pray for the speedy passing of these difficult times. We look forward to sharing a Friday night with you soon, complete with the smell of race fuel and the sounds of open motors screaming down the straightaways. Stay home, stay safe.

God Bless You All,

Jeff Dice

Submitted By: Anthony Boyd

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