3/22/2025 - Valley Speedway
3/22/2025 - Valley Speedway

Valley Speedway


Test and tune special features

Test and tunes will start at 1pm and end at 5pm all cars are welcome. Valley registered cars are $60 per car and unregistered cars are $80 per car. No charge for pit passes.In order to help our teams we will be doing 2 of our test and tunes that will be set up to help the teams. We will have tech officials on hand to pre tech and weigh cars to make sure they are legal and ready for the 2025 season. We will also have the ability to video the sessions for drivers that would like them with transponders to help show what changes help or hurt for a cost of $50. We will also have a person helping with your session on the raceceiver to help with your track activity. The dates for these 2 sessions will be March 15th and 22nd with a rain out date March 29th if needed.


No classes available


  • Pits Open12:50 PM


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