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8/11/2012 at Petaluma Speedway

360 Sprints - Winged

A Feature: 1. 21M-Mike Henry; 2. 43-Bradley Terrell; 3. 24-Chase Johnson; 4. 88-Koen Shaw; 5. 57-Billy Butler; 6. 11K-Kenny Drew; 7. 15-Eric Humphries; 8. 4S-Nick Ringo Jr; 9. 7-Jake Haulot; 10. 5X-Max Adams; 11. 11-Matthew Haulot; 12. 6-Chase Wood; 13. 82J-Steve Jaquith; 14. 9N-Bill Cornwell; 15. 19-Art McCarthy Jr; 16. 52-Dave Lindt Jr; 17. 44-Norm Johns

Heat 1: 1. 21M-Mike Henry; 2. 4S-Nick Ringo Jr; 3. 15-Eric Humphries; 4. 19-Art McCarthy Jr; 5. 11-Matthew Haulot; 6. 9N-Bill Cornwell

Heat 2: 1. 24-Chase Johnson; 2. 6-Chase Wood; 3. 57-Billy Butler; 4. 88-Koen Shaw; 5. 7-Jake Haulot; 6. 82J-Steve Jaquith

Heat 3: 1. 43-Bradley Terrell; 2. 44-Norm Johns; 3. 11K-Kenny Drew; 4. 5X-Max Adams; 5. 52-Dave Lindt Jr

Qualifying 1: 1. 21M-Mike Henry, 00:13.216


A Feature 1: 1. 11-Greg Bragg; 2. 00-Pete Davis; 3. 10-Terry Tarditi; 4. 8-Bill Lindsey; 5. 23-Rob Lindsey; 6. 21-Dan Parker; 7. 83-Gary Conterno; 8. 18-Floyd Alvis; 9. 15-David Prickett; 10. 67-Britton Bock; 11. 74-J R Williams; 12. 27-Nick Chivello; 13. 6-Rick Holbrook; 14. 54-John Haugh

Heat 1: 1. 11-Greg Bragg; 2. 67-Britton Bock; 3. 21-Dan Parker; 4. 18-Floyd Alvis; 5. 10-Terry Tarditi; 6. 8-Bill Lindsey; 7. 83-Gary Conterno

Heat 2: 1. 23-Rob Lindsey; 2. 00-Pete Davis; 3. 27-Nick Chivello; 4. 15-David Prickett; 5. 74-J R Williams; 6. 6-Rick Holbrook; 7. 54-John Haugh

Qualifying 1: 1. 21-Dan Parker, 00:15.239

Economy Midgets

A Feature 1: 1. 35JR-Dakota Albright; 2. 9-Scott Kinney; 3. 72S-Craig Dillard; 4. 28-Marcus Smith; 5. 47-Bradley Dillard; 6. 30-Rick Soto; 7. 88-Ricky Johnson; 8. 74-Craig Holsted; 9. 7-Howard West; 10. 10-Brian Corso; 11. 63-Marshall Sexton; 12. 77-Cameron Beard

Heat 1: 1. 72S-Craig Dillard; 2. 77-Cameron Beard; 3. 10-Brian Corso; 4. 28-Marcus Smith; 5. 30-Rick Soto; 6. 7-Howard West

Heat 2: 1. 35JR-Dakota Albright; 2. 9-Scott Kinney; 3. 74-Craig Holsted; 4. 63-Marshall Sexton; 5. 88-Ricky Johnson; 6. 47-Bradley Dillard

360 Sprints - Winged

A Feature

1-Mike HenryCitrus Heights, CA21M
2-Bradley TerrellSebastopol, CA43
3-Chase JohnsonPenngrove, CA24
4-Koen ShawFresno, CA88
5-Billy ButlerSacramento, CA57
6-Kenny DrewPenngrove, CA11K
7-Eric HumphriesFresno, CA15
8-Nick Ringo JrMorgan Hill, CA4S
9-Jake HaulotCotati, CA7
10-Max AdamsLoomis, CA5X
11-Matthew HaulotCotati, CA11
12-Chase WoodGilroy, CA6
13-Steve JaquithChowchilla, CA82J
14-Bill CornwellGlen Ellen, CA9N
15-Art McCarthy JrSan Jose, CA19
16-Dave Lindt JrSebastopol, CA52
17-Norm JohnsPetaluma, CA44

Heat 1

1-Mike HenryCitrus Heights, CA21M
2-Nick Ringo JrMorgan Hill, CA4S
3-Eric HumphriesFresno, CA15
4-Art McCarthy JrSan Jose, CA19
5-Matthew HaulotCotati, CA11
6-Bill CornwellGlen Ellen, CA9N

Heat 2

1-Chase JohnsonPenngrove, CA24
2-Chase WoodGilroy, CA6
3-Billy ButlerSacramento, CA57
4-Koen ShawFresno, CA88
5-Jake HaulotCotati, CA7
6-Steve JaquithChowchilla, CA82J

Heat 3

1-Bradley TerrellSebastopol, CA43
2-Norm JohnsPetaluma, CA44
3-Kenny DrewPenngrove, CA11K
4-Max AdamsLoomis, CA5X
5-Dave Lindt JrSebastopol, CA52

Qualifying 1

1-Mike HenryCitrus Heights, CA21M13.216

Economy Midgets

A Feature 1

1-Dakota AlbrightWaterford, CA35JR
2-Scott KinneyCitrus Heights, CA9
3-Craig DillardPaso Robles, CA72S
4-Marcus SmithManteca, CA28
5-Bradley DillardOakdale, CA47
6-Rick SotoRancho Cordova, CA30
7-Ricky Johnson88
8-Craig HolstedRancho Cordova, CA74
9-Howard Westunkown, CA7
10-Brian CorsoRipon, CA10
11-Marshall SextonOakdale, CA63
12-Cameron BeardAtwater, CA77

Heat 1

1-Craig DillardPaso Robles, CA72S
2-Cameron BeardAtwater, CA77
3-Brian CorsoRipon, CA10
4-Marcus SmithManteca, CA28
5-Rick SotoRancho Cordova, CA30
6-Howard Westunkown, CA7

Heat 2

1-Dakota AlbrightWaterford, CA35JR
2-Scott KinneyCitrus Heights, CA9
3-Craig HolstedRancho Cordova, CA74
4-Marshall SextonOakdale, CA63
5-Ricky Johnson88
6-Bradley DillardOakdale, CA47


BCRA - Bay Cities Racing Association

A Feature 1

1-Greg BraggVisalia, CA11
2-Pete DavisPleasanton, CA00
3-Terry TarditiLodi, CA10
4-Bill LindseySan Carlos, CA8
5-Rob LindseySherwood, OR23
6-Dan ParkerOakdale, CA21
7-Gary ConternoRough And Ready, CA83
8-Floyd AlvisSan Carlos, CA18
9-David PrickettFresno, CA15
10-Britton BockCalistoga, CA67
11-J. R. WilliamsCarson City, NV74
12-Nick ChivelloManteca, CA27
13-Rick HolbrookBrowns Valley, CA6
14-John Haugh54

Heat 1

1-Greg BraggVisalia, CA11
2-Britton BockCalistoga, CA67
3-Dan ParkerOakdale, CA21
4-Floyd AlvisSan Carlos, CA18
5-Terry TarditiLodi, CA10
6-Bill LindseySan Carlos, CA8
7-Gary ConternoRough And Ready, CA83

Heat 2

1-Rob LindseySherwood, OR23
2-Pete DavisPleasanton, CA00
3-Nick ChivelloManteca, CA27
4-David PrickettFresno, CA15
5-J. R. WilliamsCarson City, NV74
6-Rick HolbrookBrowns Valley, CA6
7-John Haugh54

Qualifying 1

1-Dan ParkerOakdale, CA2115.239

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