Rhett Starnes
Rhett Starnes

Rhett Starnes
Mont Belview, TX

Driver Information

My name is Rhett Starnes, i am the youngest son of Robbie Starnes who had a stellar racing career, Brother to Little Robbie Starnes.
I got married in 2020, Had a beautiful baby girl named Kingslie, and now having a baby boy going to be named Westyn.
Racing has been a huge part of my life traveling up and down the road with my Father to all the big events and getting to experience what it is like to run the big series, and most importantly experience what the racing community is, we are one big Family.
Everyday growing up i always tried to come up with ways to help my dad get faster, and i would sit and talk to him for hours asking multiple questions on what everything meant on a DIrt late model.
My goal in my life is be able to race for a living, and Stay humble at any point in time.

Most Memorable Moment

When my dad came from the back at the Dream in 1999, and finished 2nd, was passing for the lead on the last lap, of course i wasnt but a year old, But hearing the story i have to say that is a very memorable moment.


Spending time with family, Working on the Racecar to try and find more speed.


  • TrackWhynot Motorsports Park
  • EventThe Dream
  • MovieDays of Thunder
  • SongImagine Dragons- Whatever it takes


  • RestaurantTexas Roadhoiuse
  • Fast FoodWhataburger
  • Car ManufacturerXr1 Rocket
  • Parts StoreDay motorsports