Nick Gibson
Garden City, MO
Driver Information
I started racing back in 1995 in pure Stocks and enduro races. Raced a few time a Month in the pure stock and street stock classes back and forth between demolition derby cars and racing. And derby cars is how I got my name NITRO NICK. I ran derby cars upto 2009 here and there basically running stock class because of a broken neck I received from state fair derby in 2002. After that I raced part time and helped a good buddy with his modified. And in 2012 I started racing full time again in street stock class and powri super stock sanction.. and loving every minute of it. Have meet and raced with alot great guys and teams over the last 8 yrs or so.... keep digging and chasing dreams.....
Career Highlights
Career highlights to me is being able to race every weekend and spend time with the racing team families....win or lose it's a highlight for me.....
Most Memorable Moment
Winning my first feature and seeing the joy on my dad's face.
Fantasy football, SOCIAL BEVERAGES, visiting with good friends and family