7/3/2023 - The Bullring
7/3/2023 - The Bullring

The Bullring

NASCAR 602 Modifieds

Pos Team Points Correct %
1 Tylar 35 Racing Tylar 35 Racing 379 75%
2 Leadfoot Leadfoot 360 25%
3 Iron Sharpens Iron Iron Sharpens Iron 357 25%
4 62 Chevy guy 62 Chevy guy 357 25%
5 Freebird16 Freebird16 347 25%
6 tntchassis88 tntchassis88 345 25%
7 Paposse Paposse 262 25%
8 Viper Squad Viper Squad 261 25%
9 Zoey Zoey 259 25%
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